楼主: atcoolman

The Real Warren Buffett - 巴菲特每周新闻专贴

 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-2 13:45:44 | 显示全部楼层

来篇中文的吧,对理解最近暴露的巴老WMD - 大规模杀伤性武器(金融衍生品)可能有所帮助。


作者:英国《金融时报》专栏作家约翰?加普(John Gapper) 2008-12-01

迈克尔•金斯利(Michael Kinsley)曾将“政治乌龙”定义为“政治家讲了真话”并因此感到难为情。按照这一定义,沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)押注350亿美元股市看跌期权的交易就是一起金融乌龙。

从表面上看,巴菲特的策略既不明智,也不符合他的特点。他控股下的伯克希尔哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)最近股价重挫(现已回升),原因是该公司在衍生品合约方面产生了约50亿美元的账面损失。







在巴菲特传记《雪球》(The Snowball)中,艾丽丝•施罗德(Alice Schroeder)写道,在1967年收购内布拉斯加州保险集团国民保险公司(National Indemnity),以将伯克希尔哈撒韦的业务拓展至纺织业以外时,“巴菲特已摸索出一种全新的经营方式。如果国民保险公司赚了钱,他就可以拿那些利润去买其它企业和股票。”

此后,伯克希尔哈撒韦的资金基础稳步扩大。如今它旗下有Geico汽车保险公司和通用再保险公司(General Re),承受风险最大的则是B-H再保险(B-H Reinsurance)??用巴菲特的话说,B-H业务覆盖着“没有其它再保险商愿意或能够承受的巨大风险”,比如飓风和地震。


这45亿美元类似于保险保费或浮存金。伯克希尔哈撒韦可用这笔钱进行再投资,最后再来看必须赔付多少。目前,该公司浮存金总额庞大??从1967年的1850万美元增至去年的580亿美元,使其得以进行如今年9月买入高盛(Goldman Sachs) 50亿美元优先股的交易。




这引发了一个问题:作为保险商,巴菲特有阿吉特•贾殷(Ajit Jain)精明吗?后者为他管理灾难再保险业务。伯克希尔哈撒韦在一场自然灾害上损失了34亿美元,而巴菲特将因金融动荡遭受更大损失。

这也说明伯克希尔哈撒韦存在发生“黑天鹅亏损”(black swan loss)的弱点,近期形形色色的机构都受到此类亏损的打击。巴菲特为他认为发生概率不大的事件提供保险,这种做法正是《黑天鹅》一书作者纳西姆?尼古拉斯?塔勒布(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)所批评的交易策略。





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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-5 04:14:06 | 显示全部楼层


http://www.wenweipo.com [2008-12-04]




此文已经修改,删除最后一段关于第二次增发的误解。详见:http://www.xxtz.com.cn/cgi-bin/xxbbs/bbsxp/ShowPost.asp?id=6122&topage=15 No.217

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-9 21:25:22 | 显示全部楼层

来一篇八卦的,关于巴老的姐姐 - Doris Buffett:

Add 'Santa' to her titles

James Monroe HS holds a holiday fête for Ms. Buffett, the 'Sunshine' Santa Claus

Date published: 12/9/2008

Doris Buffett was honored by the city School Board.

After a half-hour reception in her honor at James Monroe High School last week, Doris Buffett sat in a rocking chair and deftly handled what was really the afternoon's main event: chatting for an hour with most of the some 200 guests who lined up to talk with her.

In keeping with the season and the setting, she wore a dark sweater covered with Santa Claus faces.

City public schools Superintendent David G. Melton keynoted the reception: "She understands the problems we face as educators and the challenges that are unique to Fredericksburg city schools," he said. "We want to say thank you, Ms. Buffett. Thank you for caring."

Among Buffett's numerous philanthropic gifts to Fredericksburg is her high school mentoring program, begun in 2006, for students at James Monroe. Called STARS, for Students Taking Action and Responsibility, it aims to help those struggling to graduate because of academic or disciplinary problems.

Speaking for the James Monroe students and as a beneficiary of the mentoring program, senior Travis Finney told the gathering: "The hard work with my mentor has really made a difference. Ms. Buffett has helped us all, from paying for us to go on college visits, to offering thousand-dollar scholarships for maintaining a certain GPA. We thank you."

Teachers, mentors, mentees, School Board members, community activists and student-organization leaders were invited to the reception. Representatives of each of Fredericksburg's seven public schools presented her roses (pale yellow). She also received a throw rug depicting historic sites in the Fredericksburg area, as well as three white shopping bags with gold bows containing small souvenirs from each of the schools.

"I really appreciate this," Buffett said. "You get a good view of a community by the way its schools are run. I enjoy living in Fredericksburg and I plan to stay around." In her 80s, the elder sister of Midwestern philanthropist Warren Buffett is a longtime resident of Fredericksburg. She also spent some growing-up years here while her stockbroker father, Howard, served four terms in the House of Representatives as a congressman from Nebraska during and after World War II.

She also received her early college schooling in the east, attending Mount Vernon Junior College and George Washington University before going on to Omaha University in her home state.

Buffett did not have real wealth of her own until her mother died in 1996 and she received her share of a family trust. That year she set up the Sunshine Lady Foundation. (She doesn't remember how she came up with the name; "People seem to like the idea of spreading light," she once said.)

Since then the foundation has awarded more than $50 million in philanthropic grants. And she expects a return. From her STARS students, for example, she demands good grades (at least a 2.5 grade-point average), good class attendance and no disciplinary problems. She also requires community collaboration, including matching funds from local organizations.

In a 2007 magazine interview, she said: "You can't be sappy about this. Do it as a business. I look at [philanthropy] as an investment." And, she says, don't even think about wasting money. "It's not in the Buffett DNA." Her five-member board and her six-member staff in Maine all work for free.

She receives thousands of letters a year, many of them passed on from her brother Warren, asking the family for financial help. She and her staff make an effort to reply to all of them. While "the second-richest man in America" is not involved in his sister's philanthropies, Warren did give her foundation $5 million in Berkshire Hathaway stock a year ago to pay for the staff and stamps needed to answer all that mail.

Hugh Muir: 540/735-1975
Email: hmuir@freelancestar.com

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-12 12:18:10 | 显示全部楼层

Buffett on 0% interest rates

Warren Buffett emailed this note to the directors of his company, Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B), Tuesday after he heard that the U.S. Treasury sold $32 billion in 4-week bills at a yield of 0%:

“This should be bullish for Berkshire. With great foresight, I long ago entered the mattress business in a big way through our furniture operation. Now mattresses have become fully competitive as a place to put your money, and sales will soon take off.”

Source: Fortune


Jim Rogers and Bill Gross say: Short the Bond Market

Jim Rogers has been shorting the Long Term Government Bond in the United States. Now, even Bill Gross says that the bond market has bubble characteristics. This must be a very, very good shorting opportunity.

How to do this trade:

Short the Futures on CBOT (30 year Bond)
Buy TBT ETF (inverse ETF on Long Term Government Bonds)

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-12 12:21:41 | 显示全部楼层

Buffett University

December 10, 2008

I watched a television special about Warren Buffett over the weekend on Fox Business called Buffett U. Warren Buffett hosted a question and answer session with business school students from all over the country. The students were allowed to ask Buffett questions about any topic that they wished. I found one of Buffett’s comments particularly interesting.

Buffett explained his investment philosophy as a young investor. He stated that he always believed in investing in great companies at discounted prices. But he was a much more active investor when he was younger. Buffett explained that he began with only $9800 so he would have to sell one investment in order to purchase a better investment. If he had invested in a company selling for 80 cents on the dollar then he would sell his investment to purchase a company trading at 60 cents on a dollar.

This is intriguing because this differs from the buy and hold forever Buffett of the latter years. I am not trying to suggest that Warren Buffett was daytrading stocks. But he was selling cheap stocks to purchase cheaper stocks. I think that this illustrates that when you are investing small amounts of capital; you have to always seek the greatest return on capital. This may mean selling a good investment idea for a great one.

For example, let’s say you had about $25,000 to invest. You bought 1000 shares of American Express(AXP) at $23 per share because you believe that AXP has an intrinsic value of $30 per share. This equates to a $7 per share potential gain and a 23% profit. A few months later when American Express is trading at $25, you notice that Best Buy is selling at $20 per share. You believe however that Best Buy has an intrinsic value of $35 per share. This represents a $15 per share gain and a 43% profit. You can see that the most profitable move is to buy Best Buy despite the fact that you didn’t receive the full value for American Express.

Buffett is now rich enough that he no longer needs to sell one opportunity to recognize another. If you are not quite as rich as Buffett (like me) and want to maximize returns with less money then consider these tips. Always set an intrinsic value for an investment and aim to realize that value. Be flexible. If a more attractive opportunity presents itself then adapt your investment strategy.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-15 23:43:22 | 显示全部楼层

BYD Adds Plug-In as China Gets Edge on Toyota, GM

By Tian Ying

Dec. 15 (Bloomberg) -- BYD Co., the Chinese automaker backed by Warren Buffett, started selling the world’s first mass-produced plug-in hybrid, gaining an edge on Toyota Motor Corp. and General Motors Corp. in electric-powered vehicles.

The F3 DM can run for 100 kilometers (62 miles) using only batteries, Shenzhen-based BYD said in a statement today. Toyota plans to begin testing plug-ins, which can be recharged from household powerpoints, late next year, it said in August. GM aims to start selling the Volt plug-in in late 2010.

BYD surged the most in two months in Hong Kong trading after saying the new model and government tax breaks for small cars would help it almost double vehicle sales next year. China is encouraging automakers to develop alternative-energy vehicles to curb oil imports and to help local companies challenge GM and Toyota, the world’s biggest hybrid-car maker, overseas.

“BYD is making progress in the right direction,” said Yale Zhang, director at CSM Asia. “Still, a lack of fast recharging facilities and other infrastructure is handicapping BYD’s efforts.”

The automaker expects to boost total sales to 350,000 cars next year from an expected 180,000 this year, founder and Chairman Wang Chuanfu told reporters in Shenzhen today.

“The development of electric-powered vehicles is the best way for the Chinese auto industry to surpass other leading countries,” Wang said at an unveiling ceremony. BYD currently sells gasoline models such as the F3, F6 and F8. It plans to add at least five new models next year.

The company, also China’s biggest maker of rechargeable batteries, rose 16 percent to HK$13.32 at the close in Hong Kong. It has fallen 1.9 percent this year compared with a 46 percent plunge for the benchmark Hang Seng Index.

Rechargeable Batteries

The F3 DM’s batteries can be fully recharged from a power point in as little as seven hours and 50 percent powered via a quick charge at a specialist station in 10 minutes, BYD said. The car also has a gasoline engine as a back-up power source.

The car costs from 149,800 yuan ($22,000), said Xia Zhibing, BYD’s sales head. That compares with Toyota’s Prius, which costs from 259,800 yuan. The high price of hybrids and the lack of charging stations have damped demand in China. The Prius, the bestselling hybrid in China, racked up 748 sales nationwide in the first ten months of the year.

Still, GM started selling a Buick LacCrosse Eco-Hybrid in July and Nissan Motor Co., Japan’s third-largest automaker, intends to begin offering electric cars in China by 2012.

China Support

The Chinese government plans to support domestic automakers’ research into alternative-energy vehicles in a bid to have 60,000 on the roads of 10 cities by 2012. BYD has signed a deal for “financial cooperation” with Export-Import Bank of China, it said without elaboration.

The government may subsidize hybrid cars to cut costs for consumers, Wang said. The State Council is also set to consider a plan to scrap a sales tax on vehicles with engines of less than 1.6 liters, he added.

“It would be a very big push for car sales,” if the sales tax plan is approved, Wang said. The government has also altered fuel taxes and is mulling ways to encourage people to buy cars on credit to help revive vehicle sales, which have fallen for three out of the last four months.

BYD will initially target the F3 DM at government agencies and corporate customers, Wang said. The Shenzhen local government and China Construction Bank today signed deals to buy a total of 50 cars.

Regulatory Steps

U.S. sales of the F3 DM will likely start in 2011, Wang said. They may begin earlier if the company can complete the necessary regulatory steps more quickly than expected, he added.

Buffett’s MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co. in September bought 9.9 percent of BYD for HK$1.8 billion ($232 million). The stake sale may help the automaker boost its profile overseas and also reassure potential customers, Wang said.

“Buffett’s investment helps us enhance our brand image,” he added. “It’s a long-term investment and it will help our growth in the long run.”

BYD is working with MidAmerican to develop batteries that store power generated from wind and power sources, Wang said. The products may be commercialized in one to two years, he said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Tian Ying in Beijing on ytian@bloomberg.net

Last Updated: December 15, 2008 07:04 EST

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发表于 2008-11-28 12:38:58 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 15:05:27 | 显示全部楼层
原文由 福尔莫斯 发表于 2008-11-28 12:38:58 :






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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-29 13:10:43 | 显示全部楼层


在转上面一篇Fool关于巴老的评论同时,发现了下面这篇对Michael Lewis的采访。读过洛文斯坦1995年那本巴老传记,相信对此人不会太陌生,至少不会对他的成名作生疏 - 《Liar's Poker/撒谎者的扑克》(据wikipedia介绍,这本书和Barbarians at the Gate and The Bonfire of the Vanities构成描述80年代华尔街情形的三部曲。后二者已经给拍成电影,有兴趣的朋友不妨找来看看,权作消遣和长见识。)Michael Lewis更是在1989年宣称:“The reason [Buffett] is so rich is simply that random games produce big winners - 巴菲特变得如此富有的原因不过是随机游戏中产生的大赢家。”其对巴老的敌意和不屑,可见一斑。我再翻阅一下《The Snowball》后面的索引,发现书中出现Michael Lewis有3次,《Liar's Poker》则是6次,足见其对社会大众的影响。


Michael Lewis on Wall Street's Need for Privacy

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-12 12:31:02 | 显示全部楼层

Does Buffett Stand By His 1999 Sun Valley Prediction?

By: Peter Cooper, Arabian Money

Posted Thursday, 11 December 2008

Readers of the new official Warren Buffett biography ‘The Snowball’ will be taken aback by the review of his presentation to the Sun Valley meeting of the US super-rich in 1999. Then he suggested that the Dow might go nowhere for 17 years, following a pattern seen in many previous epochs, most recently 1964-1981.

Remember that 1999 represented the very height of the dot-com bubble. Buffett’s statement was bursting the bubble of business success stories like Bill Gates who sat in the audience, and gasped at this prediction.

Yet how wise the Sage of Omaha has proven to be. The dot-comers have seen their fortunes shrink and not recover from the bust. And the Dow today is substantially lower than in 2000.

Why buy now?

Why then did Warren Buffett put out a buy notice on stocks last month? Is this not a contradiction of his own prediction about 1999-2016?

Well, to be fair the Dow has rallied 20 per cent since his call. But is this therefore nothing more than a bear market rally?

If we are to take the seminal 1999 statement from Warren Buffett seriously, and he has not denied it and presumably endorsed its inclusion right at the front of his new biography, then that has to be the conclusion.

However, it could be that the inflation outlook has changed so dramatically in the wake of the $8 trillion in bailouts and stimulus packages now being thrown at the US economy that Buffett is having a re-think.

Stocks could well be buoyed upwards by a hyper-inflationary economy. This has happened most recently in Zimbabwe though this is hardly an economic model worth replicating in the world’s biggest economy.


Russell Napier, author of the definitive book ‘Anatomy of the Bear’ reckons stocks could rise for a couple of years on the back of the money being injected into the global economy, but this will ultimately fail and lead to stocks plunging to new lows.

According to Q-theory - which values stocks by reference to replacement value of their assets - the Dow market bottom is at around the 4,000 level or another 55 per cent down.

The ride from 4,000 back to 14,000 would be a very substantial roller-coaster ride, and that might indeed take until 2016 as Warren Buffett suggested in 1999.

But in the short term a two year bull market in an inflationary environment, and presumably with a weakening dollar, would be highly positive for precious metals, and particularly their stocks.

As suggested elsewhere on this blog the Dow-to-gold ratio could well go to its historic low of one: that is to say $4,000 an ounce for gold and the DJI at 4,000 within this two-year time horizon and maybe next year.
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