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发表于 2009-1-23 17:30:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Microsoft Slashes Jobs as Sales Fall

<DIV class=byline>By ASHLEE VANCE</DIV><DIV class=timestamp>Published: January 22, 2009 </DIV><DIV id=articleBody>

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. ? With sales of computers deteriorating by the day, the PC industry’s dominant players ? Microsoft and Intel ? have arrived at the stark realization that the slump in sales could last a long time, perhaps years.

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“We are certainly in the midst of a once-in-a-lifetime set of economic conditions,” Microsoft’s chief executive, Steven A. Ballmer, told investors Thursday in a conference call to discuss the company’s dismal second-quarter financial results. “Our model is not for a quick rebound. Our model is things go down, and then they reset. The economy shrinks.”

To help it cope with that lower base of demand, Microsoft said that it would lay off up to 5,000 employees, or about 5 percent of its work force ? the first significant cuts in the company’s 34-year history. (微软裁员5000,削减5%职位以应对需求萎缩-成立34年来第一次大规模裁员)The layoffs follow a rare decline in sales of Microsoft’s Windows operating system for personal and business computers in the second fiscal quarter. Net income for the period, which ended Dec. 31, fell 11 percent to $4.17 billion.

Other major players in the personal computer industry are reporting similar drops in demand and paring their work forces to adjust.

Intel, the leading maker of chips for PCs, said Wednesday that it would lay off 5,000 to 6,000 workers and shut production at some plants after revenue dropped 23 percent and net income fell 90 percent in the fourth quarter.

Advanced Micro Devices, also a large supplier of PC chips, reported a 33 percent decline in fourth-quarter revenue Thursday to $1.16 billion, while posting a $1.42 billion loss. Earlier this month, A.M.D. said it would reduce its work force by close to 9 percent.

Weakening sales for technology companies are hardly unusual in an economic downturn. Even Google, which reported a big increase in fourth-quarter revenue and operating profit on Thursday, has seen its growth slow. Microsoft executives suggested Thursday that this downturn is different from previous slumps, like the collapse in tech spending that followed the 2001 dot-com bust.

Rather than a recession, companies are witnessing a fall in consumer and business spending that could last for years and set a new low base for sales, Mr. Ballmer said. “The economy is resetting to a lower level of business and consumer spending,” he said.

Mr. Ballmer also said Microsoft would take a wait-and-see approach about acquisitions because company executives thought the price of potential targets would fall further. That gloomy assessment offers little hope to investors trying to figure out when tech stocks, which have plunged with the overall market, will hit bottom.

Both Microsoft and Intel, which are generally conservative in their public outlooks, declined to provide forecasts for future sales, saying they were uncomfortable with the proposition in an erratic economy.

“That’s especially unusual for Microsoft,” said Brendan Barnicle, a software analyst with Pacific Crest Securities. “Historically, they have had some of the most accurate gauges of PCs, and they didn’t even try to offer guidance.”

Analysts expect PC sales to fall about 8 percent in 2009, marking just the second time in the last two decades, including 2001, that PC sales will have declined for the year. Analysts at the research company Forrester say that surveys show people are putting off PC purchases and spending less on systems they do buy.

Other PC component makers like Nvidia, Seagate Technology and Western Digital have also grappled with evaporating sales and significant layoffs.

The reports from all of the component and software makers have set an ominous mood for Hewlett-Packard and Dell, the largest PC manufacturers, which report their financial results next month.

Some of Microsoft’s immediate issues stem from changing trends in the PC market as well as missteps as it has tried to move into newer markets like Web search and Internet-based software delivery, or cloud computing.

Microsoft’s revenue for the second quarter rose 2 percent, to $16.63 billion, and its earnings of 47 cents in the quarter missed the consensus forecast from Thomson Reuters by 2 cents. While sales of business software and Xbox gaming consoles aided the results, revenue from Windows dropped 8 percent, to $3.98 billion from $4.33 billion last year.

One factor that hurt sales of Windows was the rise of netbooks ? a type of cheap, compact laptop that is growing in popularity, especially in Asia. The devices use less powerful chips than typical PCs, and as a result, Microsoft must offer the less bulky Windows XP instead of Vista on the netbooks and sell it at a discount in order to remain competitive with the open-source Linux operating system.

Looking long term, Microsoft’s traditional PC software business could face even more pressure because 30 to 40 percent of the revenue comes from corporate subscriptions that stretch over a number of years. Layoffs and reduced capital spending mean that Microsoft, based in Redmond, Wash., may see fewer subscriptions when renewal periods come up for customers.

With so much dependence on the Windows and Office franchises, Microsoft has been trying to diversify its business. Most notably, the company made a failed bid for Yahoo to try to bolster its online search business and compete better against Google.

Microsoft said Thursday that it would replace some of the fired workers with new hires, many of them to handle search, as it tries to grow new businesses.

“They have never dealt with a situation where PCs didn’t just keep going up, and there’s this sense that now is the time to start and write its next chapter,” Mr. Barnicle said. Microsoft’s online business continued to lose money in the quarter, placing added pressure on the company to do something more drastic.

Richard Williams, an analyst at Cross Research, complained that Microsoft’s layoffs and other cost cuts appeared cosmetic because it employs 94,000 people.

“Microsoft really needs to materially boost its effort in the Web,” he said. “The match with Yahoo makes even more sense now.”


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发表于 2009-1-23 21:05:13 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=entry-main>

科技救??<DIV class=entry-title-go-to></DIV>

<DIV class=entry-author>作者:</DIV><DIV class=entry-author> </DIV><DIV class=entry-annotations></DIV><DIV class=entry-body><DIV><DIV class=item-body><DIV>有?友提到,科技股一向都?明可以避?衰退,好似全球最大??公司IBM,?美股收市後,公布??,?年第四季?有44?美元,增?12%,盈利好??期,刺激股?延?交易?段急升5%。






就是?藉一?光?,北?逐?????信???造商?展成光????路、?????路和IP??解?方案的全球?先供?商。在鼎盛?期,北???公司市值高? 3660?加元,??多?多股票交易所上市公司?市值的三分之一,?????9.5?人,成?加拿大首屈一指的大公司,亦是加拿大人的?傲。

但其後不久,?著技?股泡沫破?,因??大量??存?需大量??,股??始走下坡,更致命是北???公司不?爆出????,最?重要?04年被揭??去?年盈利都是?做,?信神?一下子?成「??」。(看,?史不正是不?重??生? 只是由加拿大去了印度重演。)




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发表于 2009-1-30 08:43:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-1-23 19:07:39 | 显示全部楼层


<DIV class=chead_info>英国《金融时报》记者联合报道 2009-01-23 </DIV><DIV class=chead_info> </DIV><DIV class=chead_info>


上述警告出台之日,科技行业经历暗淡的一天,日渐疲软的消费者需求使得微软(Microsoft)启动了其成立34年来首次全公司范围的裁员,裁员人数至多为5000人。诺基亚(Nokia) 也透露去年利润滑坡,同时作出了全球手机行业销售下降10%的悲观预测。在韩国,LG电子(LG Electronics)报告称,公司出现7个季度来首次净亏损,原因是价格战导致其手机和平板电视利润率下降。


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发表于 2009-1-30 21:47:20 | 显示全部楼层

巨大反差 - 去年深圳GDP与全国整体GDP走势相反的主因?

华为成为全球最大专利申请公司 中兴亦上榜

发布时间:2009.01.29 09:51 来源:赛迪网 作者:jane


据国外媒体报道,在2008年,依据世界知识产权组织《专利合作条约》(Patent Cooperation Treaty,PCT),专利申请提交数量增长最为迅速的国家有瑞典(12.5%)、韩国(12.0%)与中国(11.9%)。而美国仍然是三十几年来全球申请国际专利数量最多的国家,去年共申请了5.3521万多件专利,占国际PCT申请总量的32.7%。中国的成绩也非常亮眼,一跃成为全球第六大专利申请国。

以企业而言,华为技术有限公司在2008年提交了1737项PCT申请,首次成为全球第一大专利申请公司。而松下公司则以1729项申请的成绩位列榜眼,过去一直遥遥领先的飞利浦公司则仅提交了1551项申请,地位跌至第三。在排名前100的公司中,有38家来自美国, 28家来自日本,13家来自德国,并且另外一家中国公司??中兴通讯也榜上有名。


世界知识产权组织总干事弗朗西斯∙加利(Francis Gurry)对此表示,从历史上看,专利申请量在经济困难时期往往会降低,因为那时可用于创新投资的资源较少。而一旦经济环境有所改善,专利申请活动也趋于恢复。这就是说,在过去,经济危机相当于促进创新的催化剂,企业在艰难的运营条件不得不将更大的重点放在提高效率上,争取少花钱、多办事,并将努力确定和开发智能化的业务解决方案。在目前的经济环境下,技术、创新和创造力对促进经济振兴和解决气候变化等紧迫的全球问题来说是至关重要的。



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